Ability to create videos for full DJ sets
in progress
Igor Samokhovets
You can render videos for up to 10 minutes now: https://banger.show/updates/desktop-app-longer-videos-bugfixes
Increasing this limit after careful testing soon!
Igor Samokhovets
in progress
We're working on desktop app which will allow users to render videos locally. This will enable the ability to render longer videos!
Igor Samokhovets
Temporary putting this on hold. We want to ship our first 3D visual style and then check if we're capable of doing 1 hour renders for it.
Igor Samokhovets
Working on this. To be able to make vids for full sets, we need some beefy computer. Me and Mark already ordering parts from Amazon!
Igor Samokhovets
in progress
Igor Samokhovets
under review